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Dayz Explorer
1.24.157551 (v105080)
Dayz Code Explorer by Zeroy
Go to the source code of this file.
Data Structures | |
class | TraceContact |
collision and tracing WARNING: Non-managed, needs manual delete call, should not be ref'd More... | |
class | TraceParam |
class | TraceSphere |
class | TraceBox |
class | TraceOBB |
class | OcclusionQuery |
Typedefs | |
typedef int[] | WorldHandle |
typedef int[] | HLIGHT |
Light handle. More... | |
typedef int[] | hDecal |
Enumerations | |
enum | PostProcessEffectType { None = -1, UnderWater, SSAO, DepthOfField, HBAO, RotBlur, GodRays, Rain, FilmGrain, RadialBlur, ChromAber, WetDistort, DynamicBlur, ColorGrading, Colors, Glow, SMAA, FXAA, Median, SunMask, GaussFilter, SSR } |
Post-process effect type. More... | |
enum | LightFlags { DYNAMIC, CASTSHADOW, CHEAP } |
enum | TraceShape { LINE, BOX, OBB, SPHERE } |
Functions | |
proto native float | GetWorldTime () |
proto native WorldHandle | SetCurrentWorld (WorldHandle world) |
proto native IEntity | FindEntityByName (IEntity worldEnt, string name) |
proto native IEntity | FindEntityByID (IEntity worldEnt, int ID) |
proto native int | GetNumActiveEntities (IEntity worldEntity) |
returns number of active (simulated) Entities in the world More... | |
proto native IEntity | GetActiveEntity (IEntity worldEntity, int index) |
returns active entity More... | |
proto native void | SetListenerCamera (int camera) |
sets which camera will be a listener (for sound engine) More... | |
proto native void | SetCamera (int cam, vector origin, vector angle) |
proto native void | SetCameraEx (int cam, const vector mat[4]) |
Changes camera matrix. More... | |
proto native void | GetCamera (int cam, out vector mat[4]) |
Returns current camera transformation. More... | |
proto native void | SetCameraVerticalFOV (int cam, float fovy) |
proto native void | SetCameraFarPlane (int cam, float farplane) |
proto native void | SetCameraNearPlane (int cam, float nearplane) |
proto native void | SetCameraType (int cam, CameraType type) |
proto native void | SetCameraPostProcessEffect (int cam, int priority, PostProcessEffectType type, string materialPath) |
proto vector | ProjectVector (int cam, IEntity ent, vector vec) |
proto vector | UnprojectVector (int cam, float x, float y, vector dir) |
proto HLIGHT | AddLight (IEntity owner, LightType type, LightFlags flags, float radius, vector color) |
proto native bool | RemoveLight (HLIGHT light) |
removes light More... | |
proto native bool | SetLightEx (HLIGHT light, float radius, vector color) |
proto native bool | SetLightTexture (HLIGHT light, string cubemap) |
sets lookup texture for projection lights More... | |
proto native int | SetLightFlags (HLIGHT light, LightFlags flags) |
proto native int | ClearLightFlags (HLIGHT light, LightFlags flags) |
proto native bool | SetLightCone (HLIGHT light, float cone) |
Sets light cone in degrees (for LightType.SPOT). More... | |
proto native float | GetSceneHDRMul (int camera) |
class TraceContact | TraceLineToEntity (IEntity ent, vector start, vector end, out TraceContact contact) |
proto volatile float | TraceMove (TraceParam param, out IEntity cent, out float plane[4], out int surfparm, func filtercallback) |
proto native int | P2PVisibilityEx (vector from, vector to, int flags) |
proto int | SphereQuery (vector origin, float radius, out IEntity visents[], int ents, int fmask) |
finds all entities in a radius More... | |
proto native bool | IsBoxVisible (vector mins, vector maxs, int flags) |
proto int | VisEntities (vector origin, vector look, float angle, float radius, out IEntity ents[2], int maxents, int fmask) |
proto native hDecal | CreateDecal (IEntity entity, vector origin, vector project, float nearclip, float angle, float size, string materialName, float lifetime, int flags) |
proto native void | RemoveDecal (hDecal decal) |
proto native hDecal | CreateLandMarkDecal (IEntity entity, vector origin, vector normal, float edgeSize, float lifeTime, string materialName, hDecal prevDecal, float alpha) |
proto native int | CanAddToLandMarkDecal (hDecal lmDecal, IEntity entity, string mat, vector newPoint) |
proto native bool | AddPointToLandMarkDecal (hDecal lmDecal, vector point, vector normal, float alpha) |
proto native void | FinalizeLandMarkDecal (hDecal lmDecal, bool addAlpha, float alphaDist) |
proto native bool | IsLandMarkFinalized (hDecal lmDecal) |
proto native vector | GetLastLandMarkPoint (hDecal lmDecal) |
proto native void | SetGlobalLandMarkParams (float minSegmentLength, float maxSegmentLength, float degAngle) |
proto native bool | IsOcean () |
proto native float | GetOceanHeight (float worldX, float worldZ) |
proto native vector | GetOceanHeightAndDisplace (float worldX, float worldZ) |
Variables | |
float | Fraction |
int | Content |
int | Surfparm |
int | MaterialFlags |
int | Triangle |
int | SurfaceID |
owned string | MaterialName |
owned string | OriginalMaterialName |
float | Plane [4] |
vector | Point |
TraceParam | TraceLineToEntity |