Dayz Explorer
1.24.157551 (v105080)
Dayz Code Explorer by Zeroy
Go to the documentation of this file. 1 class BandageDressing
extends ItemBase
13 if ( GetHierarchyParent() )
return false;
18 override bool CanIgniteItem(
EntityAI ignite_target = NULL )
23 override void OnIgnitedTarget(
EntityAI ignited_item )
29 Fireplace.IgniteEntityAsFireplace(
this, fire_source );
32 override bool IsThisIgnitionSuccessful(
EntityAI item_source = NULL )
34 return Fireplace.CanIgniteEntityAsFireplace(
this );
73 super.OnCombine(other_item);
74 if (
m_Cleanness == 1 && other_item.m_Cleanness == 0)
override void OnIgnitedThis(EntityAI fire_source)
Executed on Server when some item ignited this one.
Base Param Class with no parameters. Used as general purpose parameter overloaded with Param1 to Para...
void SetCleanness(int value, bool allow_client=false)
ActionBandageSelfCB ActionContinuousBaseCB ActionBandageSelf()
override bool HasFlammableMaterial()
void AddAction(typename actionName)
void OnCombine(ItemBase other_item)
ActionAttachWheels ActionAttach
float GetInfectionChance(int system=0, Param param=null)
Infection chance while/after using this item, originally used for wound infection after bandaging,...
ActionBurnSewSelfCB ActionBandageTarget
float GetBandagingEffectivity()
override protected bool CanBeIgnitedBy(EntityAI igniter=NULL)