Dayz Explorer  1.24.157551 (v105080)
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weaponchambering.c File Reference

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Data Structures

class  WeaponStartAction
 simple class starting animation action specified by m_action and m_actionType More...
class  WeaponStateBase
 represent weapon state base More...
class  WeaponChambering_Base
class  WeaponChambering_Cartridge
class  WeaponChambering_Cartridge
class  WeaponChambering_Base
class  WeaponStateBase
 represent weapon state base More...
class  WeaponStateBase
 represent weapon state base More...
class  WeaponStartAction
 simple class starting animation action specified by m_action and m_actionType More...
class  WeaponStateBase
 represent weapon state base More...
class  WeaponStateBase
 represent weapon state base More...


override void OnExit (WeaponEventBase e)
override void OnEntry (WeaponEventBase e)
void ChamberMultiBullet (Weapon_Base w=NULL, WeaponStateBase parent=NULL, WeaponActions action=WeaponActions.NONE, int startActionType=-1, int endActionType=-1)
override void OnAbort (WeaponEventBase e)
override bool SaveCurrentFSMState (ParamsWriteContext ctx)
override bool LoadCurrentFSMState (ParamsReadContext ctx, int version)


class WeaponChambering_Cartridge_InnerMag extends WeaponChambering_Base IsWaitingForActionFinish
class WeaponEndAction extends WeaponStartAction m_action
int m_startActionType
int m_endActionType
Magazine m_srcMagazine
ref InventoryLocation m_srcMagazinePrevLocation
 source of the cartridge More...
ref WeaponStateBase m_start
ref WeaponEjectCasingMultiMuzzle m_eject
ref WeaponChambering_Base m_chamber
ref WeaponChambering_Base m_chamber_end
ref LoopedChambering_Wait4ShowBullet2 m_w4sb2
ref WeaponEndAction m_endLoop
ref BulletShow_W4T m_showB
ref BulletShow2_W4T m_showB2

Function Documentation

◆ ChamberMultiBullet()

void ChamberMultiBullet ( Weapon_Base  w = NULL,
WeaponStateBase  parent = NULL,
WeaponActions  action = WeaponActions.NONE,
int  startActionType = -1,
int  endActionType = -1 

Definition at line 646 of file weaponchambering.c.

◆ LoadCurrentFSMState()

override bool LoadCurrentFSMState ( ParamsReadContext  ctx,
int  version 

Definition at line 867 of file weaponchambering.c.

◆ OnAbort()

override void OnAbort ( WeaponEventBase  e)

Definition at line 788 of file weaponchambering.c.

◆ OnEntry()

override void OnEntry ( WeaponEventBase  e)

Definition at line 191 of file weaponchambering.c.

◆ OnExit()

override void IsWaitingForActionFinish::OnExit ( WeaponEventBase  e)

Definition at line 2 of file weaponchambering.c.

◆ SaveCurrentFSMState()

override bool SaveCurrentFSMState ( ParamsWriteContext  ctx)

Definition at line 848 of file weaponchambering.c.

Variable Documentation

◆ IsWaitingForActionFinish

override bool IsWaitingForActionFinish

Definition at line 190 of file weaponchambering.c.

◆ m_action

class WeaponEndAction extends WeaponStartAction m_action

◆ m_chamber

ref WeaponChambering_Base m_chamber

Definition at line 639 of file weaponchambering.c.

◆ m_chamber_end

ref WeaponChambering_Base m_chamber_end

Definition at line 640 of file weaponchambering.c.

◆ m_eject

Definition at line 638 of file weaponchambering.c.

◆ m_endActionType

int m_endActionType

Definition at line 633 of file weaponchambering.c.

◆ m_endLoop

ref WeaponEndAction m_endLoop

Definition at line 642 of file weaponchambering.c.

◆ m_showB

ref BulletShow_W4T m_showB

Definition at line 643 of file weaponchambering.c.

◆ m_showB2

ref BulletShow2_W4T m_showB2

Definition at line 644 of file weaponchambering.c.

◆ m_srcMagazine

Magazine m_srcMagazine

Definition at line 634 of file weaponchambering.c.

◆ m_srcMagazinePrevLocation

ref InventoryLocation m_srcMagazinePrevLocation

source of the cartridge

Definition at line 635 of file weaponchambering.c.

◆ m_start

ref WeaponStateBase m_start

Definition at line 637 of file weaponchambering.c.

◆ m_startActionType

int m_startActionType

Definition at line 632 of file weaponchambering.c.

◆ m_w4sb2

ref LoopedChambering_Wait4ShowBullet2 m_w4sb2

Definition at line 641 of file weaponchambering.c.