Dayz Explorer  1.24.157551 (v105080)
Dayz Code Explorer by Zeroy
trap_landmine.c File Reference

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enum  SoundTypeMine { DISARMING = 0 }


void LandMineTrap ()
void ~LandMineTrap ()
override void StartActivate (PlayerBase player)
override void OnActivatedByItem (notnull ItemBase item)
 Called when this item is activated by other. More...
override void OnActivate ()
 HumanCommandScript fully scriptable command. More...
override bool CanExplodeInFire ()
override void OnUpdate (EntityAI victim)
override void OnSteppedOn (EntityAI victim)
override void OnSteppedOut (EntityAI victim)
protected void OnServerSteppedOn (Object obj, string damageZone)
void DeleteThis ()
override void OnItemLocationChanged (EntityAI old_owner, EntityAI new_owner)
override void EEKilled (Object killer)
void PlaySoundActivate ()
override void Explode (int damageType, string ammoType="")
override bool CanBeDisarmed ()
override void OnRPC (PlayerIdentity sender, int rpc_type, ParamsReadContext ctx)
void PlayDisarmingLoopSound ()
void StopDisarmingLoopSound ()
override void OnPlacementComplete (Man player, vector position="0 0 0", vector orientation="0 0 0")
override bool IsDeployable ()
override string GetLoopDeploySoundset ()
override void SetActions ()


enum SoundTypeMine m_TimerLoopSound
protected ref EffectSound m_SafetyPinSound
protected ref EffectSound m_DisarmingLoopSound
protected ref Timer m_DeleteTimer
const private int BROKEN_LEG_PROB = 90
const private int BLEED_SOURCE_PROB = 50
const private int MAX_BLEED_SOURCE = 1

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ SoundTypeMine


Definition at line 1 of file trap_landmine.c.

Function Documentation

◆ CanBeDisarmed()

override bool CanBeDisarmed ( )

Definition at line 241 of file trap_landmine.c.

◆ CanExplodeInFire()

override bool CanExplodeInFire ( )

Definition at line 84 of file trap_landmine.c.

◆ DeleteThis()

void DeleteThis ( )

Definition at line 193 of file trap_landmine.c.

◆ EEKilled()

override void EEKilled ( Object  killer)

Definition at line 204 of file trap_landmine.c.

◆ Explode()

override void Explode ( int  damageType,
string  ammoType = "" 

Definition at line 220 of file trap_landmine.c.

◆ GetLoopDeploySoundset()

override string GetLoopDeploySoundset ( )

Definition at line 301 of file trap_landmine.c.

◆ IsDeployable()

override bool IsDeployable ( )

Definition at line 296 of file trap_landmine.c.

◆ LandMineTrap()

void LandMineTrap ( )

Definition at line 17 of file trap_landmine.c.

◆ OnActivate()

override void OnActivate ( )

HumanCommandScript fully scriptable command.

NON-MANAGED, will be managed by C++ once it is sent to the CommandHandler through Human.StartCommand_Script
So ideally, it is best to set up the HumanCommandScript, not create any instances and start it through Human.StartCommand_ScriptInst In case an instance needs to be created, it needs manual deletion if not sent to the CommandHandler But deleting it while it is in the CommandHandler will cause crashes constructor must have 1st parameter to be Human virtual to be overridden called when command starts

Definition at line 67 of file trap_landmine.c.

◆ OnActivatedByItem()

override void OnActivatedByItem ( notnull ItemBase  item)

Called when this item is activated by other.

Definition at line 61 of file trap_landmine.c.

◆ OnItemLocationChanged()

override void OnItemLocationChanged ( EntityAI  old_owner,
EntityAI  new_owner 

Definition at line 199 of file trap_landmine.c.

◆ OnPlacementComplete()

override void OnPlacementComplete ( Man  player,
vector  position = "0 0 0",
vector  orientation = "0 0 0" 

Definition at line 285 of file trap_landmine.c.

◆ OnRPC()

override void OnRPC ( PlayerIdentity  sender,
int  rpc_type,
ParamsReadContext  ctx 

Definition at line 246 of file trap_landmine.c.

◆ OnServerSteppedOn()

protected void OnServerSteppedOn ( Object  obj,
string  damageZone 

Definition at line 177 of file trap_landmine.c.

◆ OnSteppedOn()

override void OnSteppedOn ( EntityAI  victim)

CarScript specific reaction on LandMineTrap

Definition at line 101 of file trap_landmine.c.

◆ OnSteppedOut()

override void OnSteppedOut ( EntityAI  victim)

Definition at line 166 of file trap_landmine.c.

◆ OnUpdate()

override void OnUpdate ( EntityAI  victim)

Definition at line 89 of file trap_landmine.c.

◆ PlayDisarmingLoopSound()

void PlayDisarmingLoopSound ( )

Definition at line 268 of file trap_landmine.c.

◆ PlaySoundActivate()

void PlaySoundActivate ( )

Definition at line 211 of file trap_landmine.c.

◆ SetActions()

override void SetActions ( )

Definition at line 306 of file trap_landmine.c.

◆ StartActivate()

override void StartActivate ( PlayerBase  player)

Definition at line 44 of file trap_landmine.c.

◆ StopDisarmingLoopSound()

void StopDisarmingLoopSound ( )

Definition at line 276 of file trap_landmine.c.

◆ ~LandMineTrap()

void ~LandMineTrap ( )

Definition at line 38 of file trap_landmine.c.

Variable Documentation


const private int BLEED_SOURCE_PROB = 50

Definition at line 14 of file trap_landmine.c.


const private int BROKEN_LEG_PROB = 90

Definition at line 13 of file trap_landmine.c.

◆ m_DeleteTimer

protected ref Timer m_DeleteTimer

Definition at line 11 of file trap_landmine.c.

◆ m_DisarmingLoopSound

protected ref EffectSound m_DisarmingLoopSound

Definition at line 10 of file trap_landmine.c.

◆ m_SafetyPinSound

protected ref EffectSound m_SafetyPinSound

Definition at line 9 of file trap_landmine.c.

◆ m_TimerLoopSound

enum SoundTypeMine m_TimerLoopSound


const private int MAX_BLEED_SOURCE = 1

Definition at line 15 of file trap_landmine.c.