Dayz Explorer  1.24.157551 (v105080)
Dayz Code Explorer by Zeroy
emotemanager.c File Reference

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Data Structures

class  EmoteCB
class  EmoteLauncher
class  SurrenderData


void EmoteManager (PlayerBase player)
void ~EmoteManager ()
void ConstructData ()
void SetGesture (int id)
int GetGesture ()
int DetermineGestureIndex ()
bool DetermineEmoteData (EmoteBase emote, out int callback_ID, out int stancemask, out bool is_fullbody)
 Also includes a stance check for FB callbacks. More...
void Update (float deltaT)
void OnEmoteEnd ()
bool OnInputUserDataProcess (int userDataType, ParamsReadContext ctx)
void OnSyncJuncture (int pJunctureID, ParamsReadContext pCtx)
void OnCallbackEnd ()
void AfterStoreLoad ()
bool PlayEmote (int id)
protected void CreateEmoteCallback (typename callbacktype, int id, int mask, bool fullbody)
protected void HideItemInHands ()
protected void ShowItemInHands ()
protected void CommitSuicide ()
void KillPlayer ()
void LogSuicide ()
void CreateEmoteCBFromMenu (int id, bool interrupts_same=false)
EmoteLauncher GetEmoteLauncher ()
void InterruptCallbackCommand ()
void EndCallbackCommand ()
void SendEmoteRequestSync (int id)
bool IsControllsLocked ()
bool CanPlayEmote (int id)
void PlaySurrenderInOut (bool state)
void SetEmoteLockState (bool state)
void CheckEmoteLockedState ()
void EndSurrenderRequest (SurrenderData data=null)
 directly force-ends surrender state from outside of normal flow More...
void ServerRequestEmoteCancel ()
bool InterruptGestureCheck ()
bool InterruptWaterCheck ()
bool IsEmotePlaying ()
map< int, ref EmoteBaseGetNameEmoteMap ()
void CreateBleedingEffect (int Callback_ID)
protected void PickEmote (int gestureslot)
 Deprecated. More...
void End ()
 called on surrender end request end More...
void ChainedDropAndKillPlayerLambda (EntityAI old_item, string new_item_type, PlayerBase player)
override void Execute (HumanInventoryWithFSM fsm_to_notify=null)


EmoteCB EmoteVomit
class EmoteLauncher m_Player
ItemBase m_item
EmoteCB m_Callback
HumanInputController m_HIC
ref array< stringm_InterruptInputs
ref array< UAInputm_InterruptInputDirect
ref InventoryLocation m_HandInventoryLocation
ref EmoteLauncher m_MenuEmote
bool m_bEmoteIsPlaying
bool m_IsSurrendered
bool m_ItemToBeCreated
bool m_CancelEmote
bool m_InstantCancelEmote
bool m_GestureInterruptInput
protected bool m_ItemToHands
protected bool m_ItemIsOn
protected bool m_MouseButtonPressed
protected bool m_PlayerDies
protected bool m_controllsLocked
protected bool m_InventoryAccessLocked
protected bool m_EmoteLockState
protected int m_DeferredEmoteExecution
protected int m_GestureID
protected int m_PreviousGestureID
protected int m_CurrentGestureID
protected int m_LastMask
protected int m_RPSOutcome
protected int m_InterruptInputsCount
const protected int CALLBACK_CMD_INVALID = -1
const protected int CALLBACK_CMD_END = -2
const protected int CALLBACK_CMD_GESTURE_INTERRUPT = -3
const protected int CALLBACK_CMD_INSTACANCEL = -4
PluginAdminLog m_AdminLog
protected ref Timer m_ReservationTimer
protected ref map< int, ref EmoteBasem_NameEmoteMap
protected ref array< ref EmoteBasem_EmoteClassArray
protected ref array< intm_EmoteIDs
protected ref array< intm_EmoteInputIDs
protected SHumanCommandSwimSettings m_HumanSwimSettings

Function Documentation

◆ AfterStoreLoad()

void AfterStoreLoad ( )

Definition at line 577 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ CanPlayEmote()

bool CanPlayEmote ( int  id)

Definition at line 857 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ ChainedDropAndKillPlayerLambda()

void ChainedDropAndKillPlayerLambda ( EntityAI  old_item,
string  new_item_type,
PlayerBase  player 

Definition at line 1159 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ CheckEmoteLockedState()

void CheckEmoteLockedState ( )

Definition at line 1011 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ CommitSuicide()

protected void CommitSuicide ( )

Definition at line 675 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ ConstructData()

void ConstructData ( )

Definition at line 203 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ CreateBleedingEffect()

void CreateBleedingEffect ( int  Callback_ID)

Definition at line 1102 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ CreateEmoteCallback()

protected void CreateEmoteCallback ( typename callbacktype  ,
int  id,
int  mask,
bool  fullbody 

Definition at line 630 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ CreateEmoteCBFromMenu()

void CreateEmoteCBFromMenu ( int  id,
bool  interrupts_same = false 

Definition at line 746 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ DetermineEmoteData()

bool DetermineEmoteData ( EmoteBase  emote,
out int  callback_ID,
out int  stancemask,
out bool  is_fullbody 

Also includes a stance check for FB callbacks.

Definition at line 257 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ DetermineGestureIndex()

int DetermineGestureIndex ( )

Definition at line 242 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ EmoteManager()

void EmoteManager ( PlayerBase  player)

Definition at line 159 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ End()

void ChainedDropAndKillPlayerLambda::End ( )

called on surrender end request end

◆ EndCallbackCommand()

void EndCallbackCommand ( )

Definition at line 766 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ EndSurrenderRequest()

void EndSurrenderRequest ( SurrenderData  data = null)

directly force-ends surrender state from outside of normal flow

Definition at line 1024 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ Execute()

override void Execute ( HumanInventoryWithFSM  fsm_to_notify = null)

Definition at line 1170 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ GetEmoteLauncher()

EmoteLauncher GetEmoteLauncher ( )

Definition at line 751 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ GetGesture()

int GetGesture ( )

Definition at line 237 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ GetNameEmoteMap()

map<int,ref EmoteBase> GetNameEmoteMap ( )

Definition at line 1097 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ HideItemInHands()

protected void HideItemInHands ( )

Definition at line 658 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ InterruptCallbackCommand()

void InterruptCallbackCommand ( )

Definition at line 756 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ InterruptGestureCheck()

bool InterruptGestureCheck ( )

Definition at line 1047 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ InterruptWaterCheck()

bool InterruptWaterCheck ( )

Definition at line 1076 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ IsControllsLocked()

bool IsControllsLocked ( )

Definition at line 852 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ IsEmotePlaying()

bool IsEmotePlaying ( )

Definition at line 1092 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ KillPlayer()

void KillPlayer ( )

Definition at line 726 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ LogSuicide()

void LogSuicide ( )

Definition at line 734 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ OnCallbackEnd()

void OnCallbackEnd ( )

Definition at line 570 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ OnEmoteEnd()

void OnEmoteEnd ( )

Definition at line 465 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ OnInputUserDataProcess()

bool OnInputUserDataProcess ( int  userDataType,
ParamsReadContext  ctx 

Definition at line 497 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ OnSyncJuncture()

void OnSyncJuncture ( int  pJunctureID,
ParamsReadContext  pCtx 

Definition at line 529 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ PickEmote()

protected void PickEmote ( int  gestureslot)


Definition at line 1141 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ PlayEmote()

bool PlayEmote ( int  id)

Definition at line 584 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ PlaySurrenderInOut()

void PlaySurrenderInOut ( bool  state)

Definition at line 929 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ SendEmoteRequestSync()

void SendEmoteRequestSync ( int  id)

Definition at line 783 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ ServerRequestEmoteCancel()

void ServerRequestEmoteCancel ( )

Definition at line 1039 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ SetEmoteLockState()

void SetEmoteLockState ( bool  state)

Definition at line 963 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ SetGesture()

void SetGesture ( int  id)

Definition at line 232 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ ShowItemInHands()

protected void ShowItemInHands ( )

Definition at line 667 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ Update()

void Update ( float  deltaT)

Definition at line 282 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ ~EmoteManager()

void ~EmoteManager ( )

Definition at line 197 of file emotemanager.c.

Variable Documentation


const protected int CALLBACK_CMD_END = -2

Definition at line 147 of file emotemanager.c.


const protected int CALLBACK_CMD_GESTURE_INTERRUPT = -3

Definition at line 148 of file emotemanager.c.


const protected int CALLBACK_CMD_INSTACANCEL = -4

Definition at line 149 of file emotemanager.c.


const protected int CALLBACK_CMD_INVALID = -1

Definition at line 146 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ EmoteVomit

EmoteCB EmoteVomit

◆ m_AdminLog

PluginAdminLog m_AdminLog

Definition at line 150 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_bEmoteIsPlaying

bool m_bEmoteIsPlaying

Definition at line 126 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_Callback

EmoteCB m_Callback

Definition at line 120 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_CancelEmote

bool m_CancelEmote

Definition at line 129 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_controllsLocked

protected bool m_controllsLocked

Definition at line 136 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_CurrentGestureID

protected int m_CurrentGestureID

Definition at line 142 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_DeferredEmoteExecution

protected int m_DeferredEmoteExecution

Definition at line 139 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_EmoteClassArray

protected ref array<ref EmoteBase> m_EmoteClassArray

Definition at line 154 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_EmoteIDs

protected ref array<int> m_EmoteIDs

Definition at line 155 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_EmoteInputIDs

protected ref array<int> m_EmoteInputIDs

Definition at line 156 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_EmoteLockState

protected bool m_EmoteLockState

Definition at line 138 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_GestureID

protected int m_GestureID

Definition at line 140 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_GestureInterruptInput

bool m_GestureInterruptInput

Definition at line 131 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_HandInventoryLocation

ref InventoryLocation m_HandInventoryLocation

Definition at line 124 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_HIC

Definition at line 121 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_HumanSwimSettings

protected SHumanCommandSwimSettings m_HumanSwimSettings

Definition at line 157 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_InstantCancelEmote

bool m_InstantCancelEmote

Definition at line 130 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_InterruptInputDirect

ref array<UAInput> m_InterruptInputDirect

Definition at line 123 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_InterruptInputs

ref array<string> m_InterruptInputs

Definition at line 122 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_InterruptInputsCount

protected int m_InterruptInputsCount

Definition at line 145 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_InventoryAccessLocked

protected bool m_InventoryAccessLocked

Definition at line 137 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_IsSurrendered

bool m_IsSurrendered

Definition at line 127 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_item

ItemBase m_item

Definition at line 119 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_ItemIsOn

protected bool m_ItemIsOn

Definition at line 133 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_ItemToBeCreated

bool m_ItemToBeCreated

Definition at line 128 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_ItemToHands

protected bool m_ItemToHands

Definition at line 132 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_LastMask

protected int m_LastMask

Definition at line 143 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_MenuEmote

ref EmoteLauncher m_MenuEmote

Definition at line 125 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_MouseButtonPressed

protected bool m_MouseButtonPressed

Definition at line 134 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_NameEmoteMap

protected ref map<int, ref EmoteBase> m_NameEmoteMap

Definition at line 153 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_Player


◆ m_PlayerDies

protected bool m_PlayerDies

Definition at line 135 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_PreviousGestureID

protected int m_PreviousGestureID

Definition at line 141 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_ReservationTimer

protected ref Timer m_ReservationTimer

Definition at line 151 of file emotemanager.c.

◆ m_RPSOutcome

protected int m_RPSOutcome

Definition at line 144 of file emotemanager.c.