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actionmanagerbase.c File Reference

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Data Structures

class  array< ref TSelectableActionInfo >


void ActionManagerBase (PlayerBase player)
ActionBase GetRunningAction ()
 returns -1 when no action is running or RELOAD,MECHANISM, .... More...
ItemBase GetRunningActionMainitem ()
void EnableActions (bool enable)
void Update (int pCurrentCommandID)
void OnSyncJuncture (int pJunctureID, ParamsReadContext pCtx)
ActionTarget FindActionTarget ()
void StartDeliveredAction ()
ActionBase GetContinuousAction ()
ActionBase GetSingleUseAction ()
TSelectableActionInfoArray GetSelectableActions ()
int GetSelectedActionIndex ()
 GetSelectedActionCategory ()
void SelectFirstActionCategory ()
void SelectNextActionCategory ()
void SelectPrevActionCategory ()
void SelectNextAction ()
void SelectPrevAction ()
void RequestEndAction ()
void EndActionInput ()
bool IsSelectableActionsChanged ()
bool ActionPossibilityCheck (int pCurrentCommandID)
protected void SetActionContext (ActionTarget target, ItemBase item)
int GetActionState (ActionBase action)
void OnContinuousStart ()
void OnContinuousCancel ()
void OnSingleUse ()
void Interrupt ()
protected void LocalInterrupt ()
void OnInteractAction ()
void OnInstantAction (typename user_action_type, Param data=null)
void OnActionEnd ()
void OnJumpStart ()
bool OnInputUserDataProcess (int userDataType, ParamsReadContext ctx)
float GetActionComponentProgress ()
int GetActionState ()
ActionReciveData GetReciveData ()


class TSelectableActionInfoArray extends array< ref TSelectableActionInfom_Player
protected ActionTarget m_TestedActionTarget
protected ItemBase m_TestedActionItem
protected ActionBase m_PrimaryAction
protected ActionTarget m_PrimaryActionTarget
protected ItemBase m_PrimaryActionItem
protected ActionBase m_SecondaryAction
protected ActionTarget m_SecondaryActionTarget
protected ItemBase m_SecondaryActionItem
bool m_PrimaryActionEnabled
bool m_SecondaryActionEnabled
bool m_TertiaryActionEnabled
ref TSelectableActionInfoArray m_SelectableActions
int m_SelectedActionIndex
bool m_SelectableActionsHasChanged
bool m_Interrupted
protected bool m_ActionWantEndRequest
protected bool m_ActionInputWantEnd
protected bool m_ActionsEnabled
protected bool m_ActionsAvaibale
protected int m_PendingActionAcknowledgmentID
protected ref ActionData m_CurrentActionData

Function Documentation

◆ ActionManagerBase()

void ActionManagerBase ( PlayerBase  player)

Definition at line 62 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ ActionPossibilityCheck()

bool ActionPossibilityCheck ( int  pCurrentCommandID)

Definition at line 218 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ EnableActions()

void EnableActions ( bool  enable)

Definition at line 106 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ EndActionInput()

void EndActionInput ( )

◆ FindActionTarget()

ActionTarget FindActionTarget ( )

◆ GetActionComponentProgress()

float GetActionComponentProgress ( )

Definition at line 287 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ GetActionState() [1/2]

int GetActionState ( )

Definition at line 295 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ GetActionState() [2/2]

int GetActionState ( ActionBase  action)

Definition at line 237 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ GetContinuousAction()

ActionBase GetContinuousAction ( )

Definition at line 183 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ GetReciveData()

ActionReciveData GetReciveData ( )

Definition at line 303 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ GetRunningAction()

ActionBase GetRunningAction ( )

returns -1 when no action is running or RELOAD,MECHANISM, ....

Definition at line 90 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ GetRunningActionMainitem()

ItemBase GetRunningActionMainitem ( )

Definition at line 98 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ GetSelectableActions()

TSelectableActionInfoArray GetSelectableActions ( )

Definition at line 193 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ GetSelectedActionCategory()

GetSelectedActionCategory ( )

◆ GetSelectedActionIndex()

int GetSelectedActionIndex ( )

Definition at line 198 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ GetSingleUseAction()

ActionBase GetSingleUseAction ( )

Definition at line 188 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ Interrupt()

void Interrupt ( )

◆ IsSelectableActionsChanged()

bool IsSelectableActionsChanged ( )

Definition at line 212 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ LocalInterrupt()

protected void LocalInterrupt ( )

Definition at line 254 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ OnActionEnd()

void OnActionEnd ( )

Definition at line 265 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ OnContinuousCancel()

void OnContinuousCancel ( )

◆ OnContinuousStart()

void OnContinuousStart ( )

◆ OnInputUserDataProcess()

bool OnInputUserDataProcess ( int  userDataType,
ParamsReadContext  ctx 

Definition at line 282 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ OnInstantAction()

void OnInstantAction ( typename user_action_type  ,
Param  data = null 

◆ OnInteractAction()

void OnInteractAction ( )

◆ OnJumpStart()

void OnJumpStart ( )

◆ OnSingleUse()

void OnSingleUse ( )

◆ OnSyncJuncture()

void OnSyncJuncture ( int  pJunctureID,
ParamsReadContext  pCtx 

Definition at line 130 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ RequestEndAction()

void RequestEndAction ( )

◆ SelectFirstActionCategory()

void SelectFirstActionCategory ( )

◆ SelectNextAction()

void SelectNextAction ( )

Definition at line 495 of file actioninput.c.

◆ SelectNextActionCategory()

void SelectNextActionCategory ( )

◆ SelectPrevAction()

void SelectPrevAction ( )

Definition at line 507 of file actioninput.c.

◆ SelectPrevActionCategory()

void SelectPrevActionCategory ( )

◆ SetActionContext()

protected void SetActionContext ( ActionTarget  target,
ItemBase  item 

Definition at line 229 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ StartDeliveredAction()

void StartDeliveredAction ( )

◆ Update()

void Update ( int  pCurrentCommandID)

Definition at line 111 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

Variable Documentation

◆ m_ActionInputWantEnd

protected bool m_ActionInputWantEnd

Definition at line 53 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ m_ActionsAvaibale

protected bool m_ActionsAvaibale

Definition at line 55 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ m_ActionsEnabled

protected bool m_ActionsEnabled

Definition at line 54 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ m_ActionWantEndRequest

protected bool m_ActionWantEndRequest

Definition at line 52 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ m_CurrentActionData

protected ref ActionData m_CurrentActionData

Definition at line 60 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ m_Interrupted

bool m_Interrupted

Definition at line 49 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ m_PendingActionAcknowledgmentID

protected int m_PendingActionAcknowledgmentID

Definition at line 58 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ m_Player

class TSelectableActionInfoArray extends array< ref TSelectableActionInfo > m_Player

◆ m_PrimaryAction

protected ActionBase m_PrimaryAction

Definition at line 37 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ m_PrimaryActionEnabled

bool m_PrimaryActionEnabled

Definition at line 43 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ m_PrimaryActionItem

protected ItemBase m_PrimaryActionItem

Definition at line 39 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ m_PrimaryActionTarget

protected ActionTarget m_PrimaryActionTarget

Definition at line 38 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ m_SecondaryAction

protected ActionBase m_SecondaryAction

Definition at line 40 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ m_SecondaryActionEnabled

bool m_SecondaryActionEnabled

Definition at line 44 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ m_SecondaryActionItem

protected ItemBase m_SecondaryActionItem

Definition at line 42 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ m_SecondaryActionTarget

protected ActionTarget m_SecondaryActionTarget

Definition at line 41 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ m_SelectableActions

ref TSelectableActionInfoArray m_SelectableActions

Definition at line 46 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ m_SelectableActionsHasChanged

bool m_SelectableActionsHasChanged

Definition at line 48 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ m_SelectedActionIndex

int m_SelectedActionIndex

Definition at line 47 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ m_TertiaryActionEnabled

bool m_TertiaryActionEnabled

Definition at line 45 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ m_TestedActionItem

protected ItemBase m_TestedActionItem

Definition at line 35 of file actionmanagerbase.c.

◆ m_TestedActionTarget

protected ActionTarget m_TestedActionTarget

Definition at line 34 of file actionmanagerbase.c.