Dayz Explorer  1.24.157551 (v105080)
Dayz Code Explorer by Zeroy
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 class Test extends RecipeBase
2 {
3  override void Init()
4  {
5  m_Name = "Test 3 ingredients";
6  m_IsInstaRecipe = false;//should this recipe be performed instantly without animation
7  m_AnimationLength = 1;//animation length in relative time units
8  m_Specialty = 0;// value > 0 for roughness, value < 0 for precision
11  //conditions
12  m_MinDamageIngredient[0] = -1;//-1 = disable check
13  m_MaxDamageIngredient[0] = 3;//-1 = disable check
15  m_MinQuantityIngredient[0] = -1;//-1 = disable check
16  m_MaxQuantityIngredient[0] = -1;//-1 = disable check
18  m_MinDamageIngredient[1] = -1;//-1 = disable check
19  m_MaxDamageIngredient[1] = 3;//-1 = disable check
21  m_MinQuantityIngredient[1] = -1;//-1 = disable check
22  m_MaxQuantityIngredient[1] = -1;//-1 = disable check
23  /*
24  m_MinDamageIngredient[2] = 1;//-1 = disable check
25  m_MaxDamageIngredient[2] = -1;//-1 = disable check
27  m_MinQuantityIngredient[2] = -1;//-1 = disable check
28  m_MaxQuantityIngredient[2] = -1;//-1 = disable check
29  */
30  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
33  //ingredient 1
34  InsertIngredient(0,"BloodTestKit");//you can insert multiple ingredients this way
36  m_IngredientAddHealth[0] = 0;// 0 = do nothing
37  m_IngredientSetHealth[0] = -1; // -1 = do nothing
38  m_IngredientAddQuantity[0] = 0;// 0 = do nothing
39  m_IngredientDestroy[0] = true;//true = destroy, false = do nothing
40  m_IngredientUseSoftSkills[0] = false;// set 'true' to allow modification of the values by softskills on this ingredient
42  //ingredient 2
43  InsertIngredient(1,"BloodSyringe");//you can insert multiple ingredients this way
44  m_IngredientAddHealth[1] = 0;// 0 = do nothing
45  m_IngredientSetHealth[1] = -1; // -1 = do nothing
46  m_IngredientAddQuantity[1] = 0;// 0 = do nothing
47  m_IngredientDestroy[1] = false;// false = do nothing
48  m_IngredientUseSoftSkills[1] = false;// set 'true' to allow modification of the values by softskills on this ingredient
50  /*
51  //ingredient 3
52  InsertIngredient(2,"SalineBagIV");//you can insert multiple ingredients this way
54  m_IngredientAddHealth[2] = 0;// 0 = do nothing
55  m_IngredientSetHealth[2] = -1; // -1 = do nothing
56  m_IngredientAddQuantity[2] = 0;// 0 = do nothing
57  m_IngredientDestroy[2] = false;// false = do nothing
58  m_IngredientUseSoftSkills[1] = false;// set 'true' to allow modification of the values by softskills on this ingredient
59  */
60  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
62  //result1
63  //AddResult("");//add results here
65  m_ResultSetFullQuantity[0] = false;//true = set full quantity, false = do nothing
66  m_ResultSetQuantity[0] = -1;//-1 = do nothing
67  m_ResultSetHealth[0] = -1;//-1 = do nothing
68  m_ResultInheritsHealth[0] = -1;// (value) == -1 means do nothing; a (value) >= 0 means this result will inherit health from ingredient number (value);(value) == -2 means this result will inherit health from all ingredients averaged(result_health = combined_health_of_ingredients / number_of_ingredients)
69  m_ResultInheritsColor[0] = -1;// (value) == -1 means do nothing; a (value) >= 0 means this result classname will be a composite of the name provided in AddResult method and config value "color" of ingredient (value)
70  m_ResultToInventory[0] = -2;//(value) == -2 spawn result on the ground;(value) == -1 place anywhere in the players inventory, (value) >= 0 means switch position with ingredient number(value)
71  m_ResultUseSoftSkills[0] = false;// set 'true' to allow modification of the values by softskills on this result
72  m_ResultReplacesIngredient[0] = -1;// value == -1 means do nothing; a value >= 0 means this result will transfer item propertiesvariables, attachments etc.. from an ingredient value
73  }
75  override bool CanDo(ItemBase ingredients[], PlayerBase player)//final check for recipe's validity
76  {
77  return true;
78  }
80  override void Do(ItemBase ingredients[], PlayerBase player,array<ItemBase> results, float specialty_weight)//gets called upon recipe's completion
81  {
83  }
84 };
Definition: inventoryitem.c:730
override protected void Do(PlayerBase player)
Definition: spookyareamisc.c:13
string m_Name
Definition: bioslobbyservice.c:35
Definition: recipebase.c:4
Definition: playerbaseclient.c:1
class InventoryGridController extends ScriptedWidgetEventHandler Init
Definition: uihintpanel.c:46
override protected bool CanDo(PlayerBase player, TStringVectorMap surfaceTypes)
Definition: spookyareamisc.c:8
array< ItemBase >
< h scale="0.8">< image set="dayz_gui" name="icon_pin"/> Welcome to the DayZ Stress Test Branch</h >< h scale="0.6"> This branch serves for time limited development tests that are open to the community Our goal in each of these tests is to gather performance and stability data from servers under heavy load</h ></br >< h scale="0.8">< image set="dayz_gui" name="icon_pin"/> Stress test Schedule</h >< h scale="0.6"> We ll only run the Stress Tests when our development team needs data and or specific feedback Stress Tests will be announced on our Twitter and and will usually run for a couple of hours</h ></br >< h scale="0.8">< image set="dayz_gui" name="icon_pin"/> Current Stress Test</h >< h scale="0.6"> In the first bunch of Stress we ll mostly focus on watching server performance under heavy PvP gameplay load For detailed information about an ongoing Stress Test(inlcuding known issues)