Dayz Explorer  1.24.157551 (v105080)
Dayz Code Explorer by Zeroy
User action internal state machine states

\desc User action internal state machine states More...


const int UA_NONE = 0
const int UA_FAILED = 1
const int UA_PROCESSING = 2
const int UA_REPEAT = 3
const int UA_FINISHED = 4
const int UA_CANCEL = 5
const int UA_INTERRUPT = 6
const int UA_START = 7
const int UA_STARTT = 8
const int UA_CANCELT = 9
const int UA_FINISHEDT = 10
const int UA_ANIM_EVENT = 11
const int UA_INITIALIZE = 12
const int UA_CHECK_CON = 13
const int UA_AM_PENDING = 14
const int UA_AM_ACCEPTED = 15
const int UA_AM_REJECTED = 16
const int UA_IN_START = 17
const int UA_IN_END = 18
const int UA_SPAWN_DUST_A = 19
const int UA_SPAWN_DUST_B = 20
const int UA_IN_CRAFTING = 21
const int UA_ERROR = 24
const int UA_SETEND_2 = 32

Detailed Description

\desc User action internal state machine states

Variable Documentation


const int UA_AM_ACCEPTED = 15

Definition at line 447 of file constants.c.


const int UA_AM_PENDING = 14

Definition at line 446 of file constants.c.


const int UA_AM_REJECTED = 16

Definition at line 448 of file constants.c.


const int UA_ANIM_EVENT = 11

Definition at line 443 of file constants.c.


const int UA_CANCEL = 5

Definition at line 437 of file constants.c.


const int UA_CANCELT = 9

Definition at line 441 of file constants.c.


const int UA_CHECK_CON = 13

Definition at line 445 of file constants.c.


const int UA_ERROR = 24

Definition at line 455 of file constants.c.


const int UA_FAILED = 1

Definition at line 433 of file constants.c.


const int UA_FINISHED = 4

Definition at line 436 of file constants.c.


const int UA_FINISHEDT = 10

Definition at line 442 of file constants.c.


const int UA_IN_CRAFTING = 21

Definition at line 453 of file constants.c.


const int UA_IN_END = 18

Definition at line 450 of file constants.c.


const int UA_IN_START = 17

Definition at line 449 of file constants.c.


const int UA_INITIALIZE = 12

Definition at line 444 of file constants.c.


const int UA_INTERRUPT = 6

Definition at line 438 of file constants.c.


const int UA_NONE = 0

Definition at line 432 of file constants.c.


const int UA_PROCESSING = 2

Definition at line 434 of file constants.c.


const int UA_REPEAT = 3

Definition at line 435 of file constants.c.


const int UA_SETEND_2 = 32

Definition at line 457 of file constants.c.


const int UA_SPAWN_DUST_A = 19

Definition at line 451 of file constants.c.


const int UA_SPAWN_DUST_B = 20

Definition at line 452 of file constants.c.


const int UA_START = 7

Definition at line 439 of file constants.c.


const int UA_STARTT = 8

Definition at line 440 of file constants.c.