Dayz Explorer  1.24.157551 (v105080)
Dayz Code Explorer by Zeroy
undergroundhandlerclient.c File Reference

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enum  EUndergroundPresence { NONE, OUTER, TRANSITIONING, FULL }


void UndergroundHandlerClient (PlayerBase player)
void ~UndergroundHandlerClient ()
protected PPERUndergroundAcco GetRequester ()
void OnTriggerEnter (UndergroundTrigger trigger)
void OnTriggerLeave (UndergroundTrigger trigger)
protected void CalculateEyeAccoTarget ()
protected void ProcessEyeAcco (float timeSlice)
protected void ProcessLighting (float timeSlice)
protected void ProcessSound (float timeSlice)
void Tick (float timeSlice)
protected void ApplyEyeAcco ()
protected void UpdateNVGRequester (float value)
protected bool CalculateEyeAcco (float timeSlice)
protected void OnTriggerInsiderUpdate ()
protected void SetUndergroundPresence (UndergroundTrigger trigger)
protected void EnableLights (bool enable)
void OnUpdateTimerEnd ()
void OnUpdateTimerIn ()
void OnUpdateTimerOut ()
protected void OnUndergroundPresenceUpdate (EUndergroundPresence newPresence, EUndergroundPresence oldPresence)


enum EUndergroundPresence LIGHT_BLEND_SPEED_IN = 5
const float LIGHT_BLEND_SPEED_OUT = 1.75
const float MAX_RATIO = 0.9
const float RATIO_CUTOFF = 0
const float DISTANCE_CUTOFF = 5
const float ACCO_MODIFIER = 1
const string UNDERGROUND_LIGHTING = "dz\\data\\lighting\\lighting_underground.txt"
protected ref AnimationTimer m_AnimTimerLightBlend
protected PlayerBase m_Player
protected PPERUndergroundAcco m_Requester
protected PPERequester_CameraNV m_NVRequester
protected ref set< UndergroundTrigger > m_InsideTriggers = new set<UndergroundTrigger>()
protected float m_EyeAccoTarget = 1
protected float m_AccoInterpolationSpeed
protected float m_EyeAcco = 1
protected float m_LightingLerpTarget
protected float m_LightingLerp
protected EffectSound m_AmbientSound
protected UndergroundTrigger m_TransitionalTrigger

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ EUndergroundPresence


Definition at line 1 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

Function Documentation

◆ ApplyEyeAcco()

protected void ApplyEyeAcco ( )

Definition at line 238 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ CalculateEyeAcco()

protected bool CalculateEyeAcco ( float  timeSlice)

Definition at line 267 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ CalculateEyeAccoTarget()

protected void CalculateEyeAccoTarget ( )

Definition at line 81 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ EnableLights()

protected void EnableLights ( bool  enable)

Definition at line 352 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ GetRequester()

protected PPERUndergroundAcco GetRequester ( )

Definition at line 54 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ OnTriggerEnter()

void OnTriggerEnter ( UndergroundTrigger  trigger)

Definition at line 64 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ OnTriggerInsiderUpdate()

protected void OnTriggerInsiderUpdate ( )

Definition at line 289 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ OnTriggerLeave()

void OnTriggerLeave ( UndergroundTrigger  trigger)

Definition at line 71 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ OnUndergroundPresenceUpdate()

protected void OnUndergroundPresenceUpdate ( EUndergroundPresence  newPresence,
EUndergroundPresence  oldPresence 

Definition at line 382 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ OnUpdateTimerEnd()

void OnUpdateTimerEnd ( )

◆ OnUpdateTimerIn()

void OnUpdateTimerIn ( )

Definition at line 362 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ OnUpdateTimerOut()

void OnUpdateTimerOut ( )

Definition at line 372 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ ProcessEyeAcco()

protected void ProcessEyeAcco ( float  timeSlice)

Definition at line 175 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ ProcessLighting()

protected void ProcessLighting ( float  timeSlice)

Definition at line 190 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ ProcessSound()

protected void ProcessSound ( float  timeSlice)

Definition at line 206 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ SetUndergroundPresence()

protected void SetUndergroundPresence ( UndergroundTrigger  trigger)

Definition at line 322 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ Tick()

void Tick ( float  timeSlice)

Definition at line 220 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ UndergroundHandlerClient()

void UndergroundHandlerClient ( PlayerBase  player)

Definition at line 35 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ UpdateNVGRequester()

protected void UpdateNVGRequester ( float  value)

Definition at line 262 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ ~UndergroundHandlerClient()

Definition at line 42 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

Variable Documentation


const float ACCO_MODIFIER = 1

Definition at line 16 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.



Definition at line 17 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.


const float DISTANCE_CUTOFF = 5

Definition at line 15 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.


enum EUndergroundPresence LIGHT_BLEND_SPEED_IN = 5


const float LIGHT_BLEND_SPEED_OUT = 1.75

Definition at line 12 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ m_AccoInterpolationSpeed

protected float m_AccoInterpolationSpeed

Definition at line 27 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ m_AmbientSound

protected EffectSound m_AmbientSound

Definition at line 31 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ m_AnimTimerLightBlend

protected ref AnimationTimer m_AnimTimerLightBlend

Definition at line 19 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ m_EyeAcco

protected float m_EyeAcco = 1

Definition at line 28 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ m_EyeAccoTarget

protected float m_EyeAccoTarget = 1

Definition at line 26 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ m_InsideTriggers

protected ref set<UndergroundTrigger> m_InsideTriggers = new set<UndergroundTrigger>()

Definition at line 24 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ m_LightingLerp

protected float m_LightingLerp

Definition at line 30 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ m_LightingLerpTarget

protected float m_LightingLerpTarget

Definition at line 29 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ m_NVRequester

protected PPERequester_CameraNV m_NVRequester

Definition at line 23 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ m_Player

protected PlayerBase m_Player

Definition at line 21 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ m_Requester

protected PPERUndergroundAcco m_Requester

Definition at line 22 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.

◆ m_TransitionalTrigger

protected UndergroundTrigger m_TransitionalTrigger

Definition at line 33 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.


const float MAX_RATIO = 0.9

Definition at line 13 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.


const float RATIO_CUTOFF = 0

Definition at line 14 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.


const string UNDERGROUND_LIGHTING = "dz\\data\\lighting\\lighting_underground.txt"

Definition at line 18 of file undergroundhandlerclient.c.