Dayz Explorer  1.24.157551 (v105080)
Dayz Code Explorer by Zeroy
WeaponStableState Class Reference

represents weapon's stable state (i.e. the basic states that the weapon will spend the most time in) More...

Detailed Description

represents weapon's stable state (i.e. the basic states that the weapon will spend the most time in)

Stable states have associated animation states that they supposed to be in. If they are not, the SetWeaponAnimState is called on the weapon in order to set to required (configured) state

@NOTE: OnExit from stable state, the weapon's animation state (

See also
Weapon_Base::m_weaponAnimState) is set to -1 (unknown) In case of action abort the final stable state is forced to set proper animation state according to configuration (

Definition at line 26 of file crossbow.c.

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